cold turkey

[kəuld ˈtə:ki]
  • 释义
  • 突然完全停止使用毒品;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    He said he realized he had an addictive personality and quit drinking cold turkey.


  • 2、

    So, please quit the cold turkey and eat more vegetables and fruits!

    所以, 在戒烟的同时不要忘记多吃点水果与蔬菜!

  • 3、

    G. M. has stated it will go cold turkey on incentives, and it has.

    通用汽车公司曾宣布将要断然停止奖励办法, 现在果然停了.

  • 4、

    Bill tried to kick cold turkey but it was just too much.


  • 5、

    John bravely kicked the habit of cold turkey.


  • 6、

    Cold turkey, five years ago, and what did I get for my trouble?

    在五年前, 我突然完全停止使用毒品我的病又有什么样问题 吗 ?

  • 7、

    He quIt'smoking cold turkey.


  • 8、

    Andy does not dare ( to ) talk cold turkey to Cecily.


  • 9、

    I quit cold turkey last Thursday.


  • 10、

    The old lady was a cold turkey.


  • 11、

    I stopped smoking cold turkey and had to be hospitalized.


  • 12、

    Mary is a cold turkey. She looks down upon all her classmates.

    玛丽是个冷漠孤高的人, 她瞧不起所有她的同学们.

  • 13、

    ONE way to treat a recovering drug addict is to force him cold turkey.


  • 14、

    The millionaire talked cold turkey to his extravagant nephew, hinting that he might be disinherited.

    那百万富翁对他挥霍无度的侄儿晓以利害, 并暗示其继承权可能被剥夺.

  • 15、

    A South African zoo wants a chimpanzee to quIt'smoking cold turkey.


  • 16、

    He quits smoking a week ago. He tells everyone that he went cold turkey for me.

    他在一个星期前戒烟了. 他跟每一个人说他突然戒烟是为了我.

  • 17、

    I told him cold turkey.


  • 18、

    Chad quIt'smoking cold turkey rather than use nicotine patches.


  • 19、

    He quIt'smoking a week ago. He tells everyone that he cold turkey for me.

    他一星期前戒烟了. 他见人就说他突然戒烟是为了我.

  • 20、

    One day, my friend Rick went cold turkey on cigarettes.

    一天, 我朋友力克突然不抽烟了.

  • 21、

    John did a cold turkey.


  • 22、

    Club president Scott Doughty reckons spots only erupt when members go cold turkey.


  • 23、

    It's like smoking. It's not a good idea to suddenly cold turkey.

    就像抽烟上瘾一样, 一下子戒掉烟瘾是难以让人接受的.

  • 24、

    She quit her job cold turkey.


  • 25、

    The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey.

